Following the resignation of Acting President Randy Parkin in January of this year, a by-election was held in Alberta. Robert Maguire, who is based in Calgary, was elected and attended his first virtual Board meeting on March 15, 2023. Congratulations to Robert!
News & Announcements
Secretary/Treasurer Position open
The HPAC/ACVL Secretary/Treasurer Tim Parker, of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, has given notice to the Board of Directors that he will be leaving his post on May 15, 2023 after 14 years of management of HPAC/ACVL’s Finances. This is a voting Board member appointment.
Responsibilities of the Secretary/Treasurer include: –
- Overseeing the preparation and implementation of the annual budget;
- Regular bookkeeping functions throughout the year, oversight of year- end financial statement preparation, and coordination with external accountants;
- Maintaining HPAC/ACVL’s compliance with reporting requirements for Corporations Canada and CRA.
If interested, please contact
Notice of the 2023 Annual General Meeting
The Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (“HPAC/ACVL”) is legally required to send notice of our Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) to Members. Our AGM is a meeting for governance purposes. Attendance for Members is optional.
Read MoreOur Insurance Is Renewed
We are happy to report that our Third Party Liability Insurance policy has been renewed, with no increase in premium. Please be reminded that the coverage is worldwide, except for the United States, which at most sites requires Temporary Membership for Visitors in any event. Including the United States in the coverage would have doubled the premium for us.
Board of Director Meeting February 18, 2023
Please see the Minutes of the meeting here. BC Director Tyler Gillies is the new President for 2023, with Prairie Director Jon Lovering offering to serve as Vice-President. The Secretary/Treasurer Tim Parker was reappointed at his request for a period limited to 90 days, to give the Board time to find a replacement.
Membership Breakdown
Please see here for a current breakdown of our membership by region, by wing type, by gender. Interesting fact: The average age of our membership is 46.
Membership by Region

Acrophobia Club, Ymir, BC
Eric Nelson sent in the following from their main site Mt. Dundee Launch from this club that has been going since the 70’s. Members bought the LZ near here to have assured landing for their members and for visitors. Pictures courtesy Eric Nelson, Al Gould.