Procedures for Claiming a National Record

    1. The pilot must be a current member of HPAC/ACVL;
    2. The pilot must have a minimum H3 or P3 rating with HAGAR: you cannot legally fly in any controlled airspace in Canada without meeting these requirements;
    3. Pilots should become familiar with all of the controlled or restricted airspace along the intended flight path. It is recommended to get a copy of the VFR navigation chart for your area. If you live in a mountainous area of Western Canada, it is also recommended to get a copy of the LE En Route chart (most likely LE1 or LE2); these are available from regional Transport Canada Offices;
    4. You cannot fly above 12,500’ ASL while crossing low-level airways or other airspace in most areas of Canada; in mountainous regions of western Canada, you may be able to fly higher: up to the height of the MEA (minimum en route altitude) while crossing low-level airways or defined RNAV routes. Both of these types of airspace structures are described in the Designated Airspace Handbook and shown graphically in Peter Spear’s airspace viewer.
    5. Familiarize yourself with all of the record categories in the FAI Sporting Code, with the Sporting Code overall and the technical aspects of the rules to be followed, Section 7D;
      Also take a look at the online HPAC list of current records. Determine what is the current record in the category you are interested in. Note all of the many categories for which no record has yet been set. (It’s a lot easier to obtain a record if you are the first!). The document is here.
    6. Some record attempts need to be declared ahead of the flight. Basically, any record category in the Sporting Code that contains the word “declared” needs a pre-declaration. This includes declared triangle distance, declared distance to goal, and any declared out-and-return or declared triangle flights. Any flights which have the word “free” in them do not need to be declared ahead of time, as well as open distance flights. If you have any doubts, contact the Records Chair.
      To have your declaration witnessed, you need an official observer, as described in the Sporting Code. If none are available, you may be able to file a declaration electronically ahead of time with the Records Chair, using a short video recording or a detailed text message.
    7. If possible, take pictures before, during, and after your flight. These can help to corroborate your claim. As soon as possible after you land, with the assistance of your official observer (if available), upload the track log of your flight to one of the online flight logs (for example, paragliding forum, ex-contest). Within seven days, contact the Record Chair to advise of your claim. This is so that other pilots that also want to submit a record in the same category are aware of what they are up against. The record committee will publish a notice of your claim on the mailing list. Also, please fill in the online Canadian record submission form kept by HPAC to keep track of record claims. You can find it here.
    8. Prepare the dossier of your record claimed. Include a link to your online submission, photos if available, and a copy of your preflight declaration, if required and available.
    9. The Record Chair will assess your claim expeditiously and issue the Committee’s recommendations expeditiously. Avoidance of airspace infractions will be assessed using the HPAC airspace checker. It has no official status but is the best tool we have available to us at this time.