Parks Canada Access Update

The negotiations by HPAC/ACVL with Parks Canada are continuing.

Jasper National Park
Jasper National Park

Will Gadd and Margit Nance were recently joined by Brandon Hopkins to make up the national negotiating team with Parks Canada. This continues to be a work in progress as more parks are brought online.

Each national park that has granted permission to our sport to fly, puts up a special

page for hang gliding and paragliding on their website.

Jasper National Park:

Yoho National Park:

Kootenay National Park:

The following National Parks are still in active negotiation. Please do not fly there until there is formal notification from HPAC/ACVL, signifying approval from the Park Administration. Premature flying could very negatively affect the negotiations.

Banff National Park: in negotiation

Revelstoke National Park: in negotiation, under the leadership of Scott Hansen and Samantha Wex.

Glacier National Park: in negotiation, under the leadership of Scott Hansen and Samantha Wex.