HPAC’s Financial Situation and Necessary Remedy

Since 2001 HPAC’s annual membership fees have remained enviably unchanged, due to the careful allocation of pilot resources by successive Boards of Directors. But due to the rapidly changing and ever more complex legal, insurance and public accountability environments under our self-governance status, the Association has repeatedly had to dip into its cash reserves to address issues as they arose. As a result, after 15 years, Association membership fees have to be raised.

Some examples of increased costs:

  • Legal fees: a number of legal actions across the country, two ongoing, have forced HPAC to engage legal counsel and pay fees in several jurisdictions in Canada;
  • Instructional Overhaul: the Council of Senior Instructors was formed to engage in a long overdue overhaul of HPAC’s rating, instructor certification, and tandem endorsement programs; this was necessary to achieve high quality instruction across the country as well as demonstrating to the public and our insurance underwriters that HPAC is committed to the highest safety standards and to the professional management of the risk inherent in our sport. The Council (CSI) meets every three years for an intensive face-to-face work session to upgrade instruction and has met twice to date, with the attendant costs (made up of bare travel and meeting room costs only);
  • Two new websites (hpac.ca and acvl.ca): as a critical part of its communications, HPAC is in the midst of final development on its new websites; this requires the updating, editing and review of all materials on the current sites, development of new material, and effecting a smooth transition of our database; it also requires extensive translation work, as the two sites mirror each other;
  • Production of new publications: for example, a new national Training Logbook for P1/P2 students across Canada (an equivalent Logbook is pending for H1/H2) (an initiative of the Safety Committee and the CSI), shortly to be available to teaching instructors either by download or by order at cost from HPAC.

(It is important to note that HPAC continues to benefit from the hundreds of hours of uncompensated volunteer work from our Board members, CSI members, and Committee members and advisors, without whose work the Association could not function.)

In order to continue to be responsive to our members, as well as to continue to conduct the Association’s business in a professional manner, while also being prudent and efficient with HPAC’s resources, the annual membership fees are being raised. This is being done reluctantly but certainly mirrors what our sister associations in other countries have also been forced to do.

As of early 2017, when the new websites go live, the annual membership fees will rise to $160 for Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Ontario and out-of-Canada residents (there is no provincial fee in these jurisdictions); $175 for the Maritimes, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon (includes $15 provincial fee); $185 for Quebec (includes $25 provincial fee). A notice will be sent out to members just before the new hpac.ca and acvl.ca go live.

Your Board has managed to maintain the current fees over many years, but HPAC’s reserves have taken a sizable hit in recent years and a revenue adjustment is necessary. Thank you for your understanding.

Please contact your regional Board member or the Office by e-mail if you have any additional questions.