“Flying Sisters” Documentary Film Greenlighted

A French-language film project featuring two Québec hang glider pilots, Catherine Gagnon and Camille Girard has been greenlighted by Telefilm Canada and Rogers Group of Funds to go into production. From Telefilm’s April 26 announcement:

“This feature-length documentary takes us into the world of hang-gliding through the story of Camille, 28, a mental-health worker and doctoral candidate in psychology, and Catherine, 35, a nurse practitioner, who combine their sport with a therapeutic health initiative.”

The women are unique in that they are two of only three women hang-glider pilots in Québec-proud representatives of a sport with few adherents. They are known as the “Flying Sisters.” Production is expected to begin in Fall of 2016. http://www.parallaxes.ca/films/flying-sisters/